среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

who wears false eyelashes in CERES who wears false eyelashes CERES

who wears false eyelashes in CERES

who wears false eyelashes

who wears false eyelashes CERES

who wears false eyelashes in CERES.Rather than an attractive appearance these false eyelashes make the wearer look obviously fake.
Fake lashes stick on the eyelid with adhesives that hold the lash in place for hours on end.
We know that glues are bad to sniff and bad to eat, so we should not be surprised that there are some adverse affects to applying them to sensitive eye lids.
The answer might cause dismay among fake eyelash wearers; yes, false lashes can cause real harm and can destroy natural eyelashes when worn constantly.
The number of patients seeking lash transplant surgery is steadily increasing according to dr.
Bessam farjo of the farjo medical center in manchester, uk.
Hair follicles from the back of the head are surgically removed to be transplanted into the eyelid to replace damaged natural eyelash follicles.
After transplant surgery the hairs grow just as they would on the back of the head and they must be kept trimmed to deter them from growing too long.
Transplant surgery is currently the only lasting method for restoring eyelashes whose follicles have been damaged by the removal of fake eyelashes.
Injury and eventually total ruination of natural eyelashes can be caused by excessive fake lash wear.
The same glue that holds fake lashes in place can inflict severe damage to real lashes when the fake lashes are pulled off.
Natural lashes and follicles can be jerked out of the eyelid when fake lashes are removed without caution.
Natural lashes will stop growing if their follicles are pulled out too many times; bald sections without any natural lashes can be the result.
It becomes a vicious cycle.
Women wearing false lashes more frequently to cover eyelid areas without real lashes unaware that their real lashes are gone due to wearing false lashes in the first place.
As you can see, this is a problem.
Bessam farjo of the farjo medical center advocates caution when removing fake lashes in order to minimize the chances of harm to natural lash follicles.
If damage to the hair follicle is minimized chances are strong that any damage will normally correct itself.
Style and fashion are about marketing, not about personal care necessarily.
Be aware that by sticking false lashes to your lids you may be doing real, irreparable damage to your real lashes.
Then make wise choices about what you buy.
Follow the advice from experts to those who wear false lashes.
Wear them in moderation.
According to beauty experts and doctors, moderate wear is the paramount way to avoid transplant surgery.
Doctors and beauty experts also warn against wearing multiple layers of false lashes.
Fake eyelashes are an extremely popular makeup accessory.
Millions of women use them and sale trends have been upward moving in the past few years.
However, many wearers are completely oblivious to the fact that fake eyelashes can cause harm.
Those who wear false eyelashes need to ask themselves if the risk is worth the reward.
They must determine if the effect false eyelashes provide the wearer is really worth the damage that may be done to the natural lashes lying underneath the adhesives.

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